According to the June 2013 issue of Wired Magazine (Lizzie Wade), here's how the world is going to end:
In about a billion years, atmospheric CO2 will be depleted and plants die off. No more photosynthesis means no more oxygen. So a few million years later, animals start to suffocate. Since placental mammals (like, say, humans) need more oxygen than other animals, we go first. With their lower oxygen requirements, migratory birds hang on through the mammalian extinction by striking out for cooler climes. but as temperatures continue to rise, these creatures eventually run out of places to go. As the soaring temps evaporate the oceans, fish get stranded in rapidly shrinking puddles. When the temperature climbs above 130 degrees Fahrenheit, insects succumb. One hundred million years after the last plant perishes, only microbes survive. Their last refuges are likely ice caves- on the equator. That's because the moon isn't close enough to stabilize our planet's orientation in space anymore, so Earth could tip on its side, turning the climate inside out. But eventually even the microbes die of thirst. Life on Earth officially ends 2.8 billion years from now, when temperatures hit an untenable 296 degrees."
Oh my goodness. That is a horrible way to die. I haven't used my running shoes yet because I don't like being unable to breathe. I have no stamina and my legs always feel like they're on fire when I'm running. After five minutes, I just want to quit altogether. I can't even imagine how torturous this is going to be for future future generations, but then again, technology may have advanced so much, that everyone and everything will survive. I'm currently reading The Host by Stephanie Meyer. It's really not as good as everyone hyped it up to be. Of course, I only wanted to read the book because it was written by Stephanie Meyer. I remembered how much I enjoyed reading Twilight in middle school. Given the choice, I really can't decide which is more preferable, getting extinguished by alien lifeforms or getting extinguished by nature itself. Anyways, I'm still reading, so there's always hope for a good climax in the next four hundred pages or so. And then, I guess I'll give the movie a go too.

Thanks for reading! (:
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